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The Truth About Alice

The Truth About Alice - Jennifer Mathieu My friend, Jen Mathieu wrote a breathtaking, searing novel that puts-right in the forefront-the perspectives of everyone on the outside of a thunderous storm of rumors. I think this book and its message are important and relevant to people young and old. It was brilliantly framed in the multiple POVs, and I have fallen in love with Jen's beautiful words. An amazing book.

In Real Life

In Real Life - Jessica  Love Read an early version of this and am absolutely OBSESSED. Jessica Love is incredibly talented and totally dedicated to writing swoony, touching, funny YA. Love this book. Can't wait to read the finished version.

We Were Liars

We Were Liars - E. Lockhart Utterly magnetic.


Between - Megan Whitmer I love Megan. This isn't news. Now, however, I love Megan AND her book.

Okay, so I don't read much fantasy, however, this book truly captivated me and I read it in under 2 days. It has all of the modern snark, wit, and swoony-ness that I know and love from Contemp and ALSO all of the awesome world-building and totally engaging and immersive storytelling that makes good fantasy good.

Megan's characters are amazing and funny and flawed in the best ways, and I found myself genuinely invested in what was happening to them and among them.

It really is awesome. It's so, so fantastic.

It's awestastic.

I can't WAIT for the next installment.

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer E. Smith Oh, how I LOVED this book. It made me swoon from start to finish. I absolutely adored it! :D

Push Girl

Push Girl - Jessica  Love, Chelsie Hill This book was touching and compassionately written by my dear friend, Jessica Love. Her dedication to finding the authentic voice and experience of a person who's abilities have changed after an accident is awe inspiring. This book should be read by anyone and everyone who has ever had a dream and who had to find the strength to let that dream change.

Camelot Burning (A Metal & Lace Novel)

Camelot Burning (A Metal & Lace Novel) - Kathryn Rose STEAM PUNK ARTHURIAN RETELLING. You need to read this!! :D

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes - Dahlia Adler Dahlia's book is SO FREAKING FRESH. Her characters are flawed and hilarious and smart and incredibly developed--don't let the Hollywood plot fool you. This story has depth and grit and heart by the tons.

She's written a book that I will read again and again, anytime I want to laugh and cringe and smile.

So great.

Also, #liamsabs


Eren - Simon P. Clark Simon P. Clark's EREN is an example of storytelling at its very best. It's a story about stories, and about beginnings and endings, truth and lies.

Clark's prose is beautiful and haunting, and I found myself longing to steep in the world of his creation for hours and days after reading it. On each page there was at least one phrase (often more than one) that I found echoing in my ear, lighting on my tongue, or raking across the surface of my skin. Clark's words are dynamic, and there is something brilliant about writing that is at once poetic and also dangerous.

The story of EREN is creepy and atmospheric and I found the chilling scenes to be well timed and balanced against the other moments of innocent (naive?) childhood adventure.

Some books are candy, and other books are vitamins. So often, it seems that we have to choose between stories that entertain and those that are art.

With EREN, there's no reason to choose.

I am so proud of my friend, Simon, and I am honored to have read the UK ARC edition of this book. I can't wait to share the story with my classroom when it is released in the US.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green Read on the 1st anniversary of my first read.

As beautiful as the first time.

No Place to Fall

No Place to Fall - Jaye Robin Brown I LOVED this book... Jaye nailed the heart of a singer and the ache for more that so many dreamers know.

I'm so glad to know Jaye and grateful for the chance to experience this beautiful book. <3

Side Effects May Vary

Side Effects May Vary - Julie    Murphy First of all, yes, Julie is an IRL friend.

She just so happens to also be the author of this honest, painful, vulnerable, and beautiful book. I loved it.


Reclaimed - Sarah Guillory I LOVE TWISTY and SUSPENSEFUL and this book was awesome. Didn't put it down. Can't wait to read it again!

Of Scars and Stardust

Of Scars and Stardust - Andrea Hannah I was lucky enough to read an early version of this story and as I told Andrea at the time, this book kept me up at night. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted only to wrap myself in the anxiety and tension and beautiful words that Andrea put together in this wonderful story.

I do know Andrea personally, but I assure you, this book is one that I will personally buy MULTIPLE copies of to give as gifts to friends who love gorgeous, poetic prose mixed with pacing that doesn't quit and imagery that made me question my own perception of what real fear is made of.

Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor What a gorgeous, gorgeous book.

The plot was so layered, and the writing was so gorgeous.

What a world! This was truly inspiring! :D

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green I'll have to write a proper review when I've recovered a bit. I'll just say that this book moved me, and made me happy to live on the same green marble as John Green.